Creative Solutions to your Automation Needs    


The Camile Data Acquisition and Control System was originally developed by The Dow Chemical Company in the mid 1980's to meet the automation needs of their chemical process development labs.  The original goal of creating a combined hardware and software system specifically designed to meet the needs of process development chemists and engineers has been maintained throughout 25 years of refinements. Click for a roadmap of our development plans for the Camile system.

Camile TG Software

The CamileTG software platform is an innovative process development tool that gives chemists a competitive edge in the research environment. The software allows multiple applications to be executed simultaneously while providing precise control and data acquisition.  The state-of-the-art software allows the researcher to rapidly understand and develop new processes as well as safely run experiments unattended. 

Camile Connections Hardware

The Camile Connections hardware is a modular Ethernet-based system designed to provide high-resolution, high-reliability analog and digital inputs and outputs in the most cost-effective manner possible.


Advantage Series 4100

Developed with the chemist in mind, the Advantage Series 4100 process scale-up reactor provides improved experimentation control while allowing the process chemist to quickly study results and plan for the next experiment.

  • Saves hours of hands-on time
  • Uses real-time feedback from analytics interfaces
  • Controls multiple reaction parameters from one interface

Simplify Process Scale-up

The Advantage Series 4100 process scale-up reactor for pharmaceutical compound development simplifies scale-up work by allowing chemists to program and control reaction conditions such as temperature, reagent addition amounts and rates, and stirring speed using a single computer running CamileTG® software. Using the Advantage Series multiple-parameter recipe editor, chemists can program the Advantage Series 4100 reactor to use real-time feedback from analytical instrumentation to automatically obtain optimum conditions for the formation of desired compounds, increasing yield and making more efficient use of time and materials.

 Configurable to Specific Needs

The Advantage Series 4100 reactor fits in a chemical fume hood and works with a variety of instrumentation for controlling reaction conditions and collecting analytical data. The Advantage Series 4100 reactor has the following standard features:

  • 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 L reactor
  • Overhead stirring system (0 to 2000 rpm)
  • Single liquid feed (0.1 to 10 mL/min, 1 to 50 mL/min or 5 to 250 mL/min)
  • Temperature control system (-25 to 150 °C)
  • Advantage Series 4100 software and hardware control system
  • Inert gas purge
  • Heat flow measurement system

21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

The 4100 reactor includes a number of features to support meeting the technical requirements of 21 CFR part 11 pertaining to closed systems. The 4100 reactor can produce an electronic record of activities pertaining to the reaction, whether they originate from the reaction recipe or from manual intervention, and create and save a recipe that enables the experiment to be reproduced automatically. This electronic data capture also links the data file to the operator with an electronic signature. Operators can link comments to the process run. The electronic record is marked with an encrypted time stamp and is archived using a method designed to comply with 21 CFR part 11 requirements. The 4100 reactor's operating system can integrate with any electronic signature package that can be embedded into Microsoft® Excel running under the Microsoft Windows® operating system, enabling integration into existing laboratory information infrastructures.

Under the 4100 reactor's operating system, system administrators assign authority levels to each operator. The 4100 reactor monitors and controls levels of access for those operators and performs checks for uniqueness of login names and passwords. Data pertaining to the validity of passwords and authority of users at the time a record is accessed are captured, linked with the document and encrypted in the audit trail of the document. Pharmaceutical companies can significantly reduce the time required for data collection and submission by implementing the 4100 reactor's features for technical compliance of closed systems within an environment of compliant operational strategies.